Friday, January 17, 2025

SAVE Water NOW...!!! Not Waste it. 2025 Mega Drought. Fruitful Crop before Extinction Level Event

Its amazingly Ironic, would even seemed planned, but no, more like God is control of all things.

I started this Article with a Video, as normal, but Video was made on the 14th Tuesday.

On Wednesday evening the main water supply broke that feeds a good chunk of this part of North Wales leaving people without water.

My point in this Article is to tell people to start saving up water right now.

I made a prophecy long time ago that rain would be taken away from these Romans just like they stole my pyrex dish which i put in prayer spot to provide water to my prayer spot ravens.

I actually wrote this prayer down here.

I went into a time of Tribulation in 2028 as my Star Vesta was looping the Golden gate of heaven, Ophiuchus. 
I was made homeless by the crown prosecution service while they tried to bring cases against me.
Treated guilty in this country until you prove your innocence.
Discussing how they can take lies from people as truth.

Got found not guilty on them false allegations, but i made ready my Exodus Bag because i ended up sleeping in my car then sleeping on the ground and refining my exodus kit.
I kept the feast of Tabernacles without remembering it was the feast, because of so many things going on. 

2018 the drought and heat wave happened anyway.
Almost like God was confirming that i heard my prayer. Fr these of the days of Elijah and Moses.

The farmers and their dads were saying this is worst they have ever seen. Even here the grass had turned to brown dust on the land but the three exodus fields were looking good still.

In fact the farmer seen me camping out and said it was ok temporarily as long as i moved my tent while he cut the grass.

The prayer though, was for the time of revival, which is the time of the seven seals. According to my timeline this will be taking place at the end of this year so that the trumpet judgments can happen after the then the Nuke world war 3, Trumpet 6 can happen in June 2026 as the heavens have book it in for.

My guess, Guess being the word as i DO NOT KNOW WHEN the drought will begin, but i would say the drought would begin much before November time so that it has more effect on the people. 
That the people may know God is coming down to passover the earth and turn their face to him and repent of their sins and be saved up to his throne at the first passing in 50 weeks.

So my first point to make now is to everyone in the UK and maybe our sister country, North America is to start holding onto as much water as you can.

This will enable you to have a bumper crop this year if God does cut the Rain off earlier like May.
(That's when i prayed the 2018 drought)

No good trying to save water after in June if the rain has stopped in May. 

You can think how to save as much water as possible.
Installing water butt tanks to catch the rain water, or even just keep full of any water incase this water gets cut off like what is happening here while writing this article
(Friday 17th).

If you have land you can make water ways uptide. You could dam up these small, fast flowing water ways and bring the water back onto the land. 
spreading the water out as much as possible and minimising water washing away out of our hands down to the sea.

The Second part of this was if u live in safe places that will not be consumed by the effects of the first passing of the throne.
places like Appalachian mountains, or West side of Conwy river in the Snowdonia mountains, then u could go ahead and make some permanent actions like damming up or creating water ways, plugging any culverts as they block fish migration.

but if you are in danger areas like most of england, east coast of America, Florida, LA, then you best not do anything permanent this year, just grab water for yourself and your crops.

Please prepare spiritually praying God for forgiveness of your sins in Jesus mighty name and blood.

Even if you are going in the first rapture you can still lead others to safety from destruction from the Throne.

us 144,000 saints are the only believers left on the earth after the first passing, so you will actually see an exodus of saints before the first passing. 

Example saints fleeing from east coast to the appalachians, either because of my words or God has made events to push them out that area, bit like the LA fires, that has certainly "scattered the inhabitants

Please share this with Family, Friends and Social Medias.

God Bless you all,
In Jesus mighty name and blood,

~ Mosiah.

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