Tuesday, November 12, 2024

PROPHECY FULFILLED: President Trump. The "Fall Guy". NOW The Seven Seals can begin. war, market collapse,


Prophecy Fulfilled. Donald Trump is President. I called this almost a year ago, and it was not because of political opinion, my own desire or that i think America will become great again, because it wont...!!! America is too far gone, it's just damage limitation at this point.
Whoever repents of their sins in this Babylon controlled country, shall be saved up to the throne when God passes over the Earth, in his Throne Nibiru, for the first time, at Seal 6-7. https://endoftheagebibleprophecy.blogspot.com/2019/11/seal-six-throne-of-god-passes-over.html
Also Trumpets 2 & 5 specifically shall cause direct damage to the United States.
Trumpet TwoLa Palma Volcano collapses in the Sea. Mega Tsunami across the Atlantic. https://endoftheagebibleprophecy.blogspot.com/2021/10/trumpet-two-la-palma-volcano-collapses.html

Trumpet FiveYellowstone erupts, Bottomless pit opens. Locust torment them that are not the 144,000 saints for 5 months, Sting of Scorpion. https://endoftheagebibleprophecy.blogspot.com/2019/12/trumpet-five-yellowstone-super-volcano.html Because of the Heaven declaring Two Warning signs for the coming Nuclear World War 3 (Trumpet 6). I was able to "go from there" and insert bible prophecy and their timeframes into the timeline.

THREE Year WARNING SIGN Three WORLD WARS TOTAL Solar Eclipse + VENUS in TAURUS... 2023-26 https://endoftheagebibleprophecy.blogspot.com/2024/01/three-year-warning-for-all-three-world.html

SIX Heavenly SIGNS - of WORLD WAR 1, Happening AGAIN NOW until 2026 = WORLD WAR 3. https://endoftheagebibleprophecy.blogspot.com/2024/02/six-heavenly-signs-of-world-war-1.html

I watched the Simpson addition that Trump would of been president during a market collapse and United States was bankrupt.

This was a confirmation to me that Trump would be president during the Seven Seals happening.

The First Passing of the throne to happen on Tevet 14th, 5 months (Trumpet 5) before that World War.

We are looking the Seven Seals beginning in November next year with William the Antichrist taking his crown and seat on the throne of David in London. https://endoftheagebibleprophecy.blogspot.com/2024/06/president-donald-trump-fall-guy-for-war.html
Thanks for watching, Please share this article with Friends, Family and Socials, for the time is short (59 weeks) God Bless you all, In Jesus mighty name. Amen ~ Mosiah

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