Tuesday, October 29, 2024

THRONE of David Leaving LONDON b4 the THRONE of GOD, NIBIRU hits the Earth (Seal 6-7). JACOB's Stone

I touched on this when i was making my King William V is the Antichrist series back in 2014.

But i want make a new Video / Post because i have some information to add.

I have always believed that the Throne that sits in the house of Lords is the Throne of David.
On it you have the Harps of David and the Lions of Judah.
There is also evidence in written history that Throne came from Israel to Ireland just before the exile to Babylon.
The Same History brings it then to Scootland and then to England.

Just like the prophecy Ezekiel made saying it would be overthrown Three times and remain until he who has the right it is (Jesus Christ) it is to sit on it and i will give it to him.

Ezekiel 21:27
I will overturn, overturn, overturn, it: and it shall be no more, until he come whose right it is; and I will give it him.

Jesus never had any kids and so the heirship stops at him since he is not Dead.

but the royals have made it their business to make people believe, even though the da vinci code story and Holy Grail story that somehow the British Empire royal Family are direct descendants of David.

This Throne sits in the House of Lords in London right next to the Thames river, also has the big clock tower AKA Big Ben.

During the first passing of the Throne i have been lead to believe that the tectonic plate that the UK sits on would drop anywhere from 20-40 metres below sea level.
this would absolutely put London underneath the sea.

so common sense would tell me they would have to remove the throne from this extremely low lying area.
I can't see them leaving the throne there and then sending divers to try and retrieve it after.
They know when the Throne of God Nibiru will hit, they have been watching it forever.

There is also another Throne, the Coronation Throne which you see Charles receive the crown on just recently.
This, i have been led to believe is sited in Westminster abbey in London, also not very high above sea level.(Right on the Thames River also

Even now they have a Barrier to Keep the Sea surge from coming up the Thames river so how bad it will be when God flips the world upside down during his first passing at Seal 6-7.

and if u think this is blowing things up to extreme just know, the government will be running to hide in IN-ROCK UnderGround Cities in the US which are Thousands of feet above sea level.
They are worried and taking it this serious so should we.

So both thrones are in danger areas.

hence the feeling i have that they would be moved before the Throne of God hits the earth.

Problem - Action - Solution/Goal.

If you see any event like an attack on the houses of parliament then just know its a False Flag with the Goal of moving the throne to a safe location.

That Throne of David will be transplanted to Israel for the End years, so William can sit as King of Israel and the world even, and demand to be worshipped as God.

At the end of the age when Jesus comes down at Armageddon (Jan 2033) and defeats Satan the antichrist the false prophet and everyone that stands with them, then Jesus will rule the world from Israel, for 1000 Years.
will sit on that Throne of David.
The scripture even says this.

Luke 1:
31 And, behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a son, and shalt call his name Jesus.
32 He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Highest: and the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his father David:
33 And he shall reign over the house of Jacob for ever; and of his kingdom there shall be no end.

 When Jesus came for his First coming though, he could not have sat as King of Israel and of the Jews.

Because the Throne was not in Israel it was in the British Isles.
After it got taken away after the kings of Israel had come to an end, and before the exile to Babylon.

So expect these thrones to be transplanted to Israel in these last days.

They also claim to have stone that Jacob lay his head on and received his dream. 

Its also as the "stone of destiny" or the "stone of scone".
The stone has moved about a bit, but i'm led to believe it rests in Scotland in Edinburgh Castle or the New Perth Museum.

They say it is placed under the coronation throne during the coronation, and yes it was.

Where could they put the throne?

They good legally translated The Throne to any of the countries they OWN.

Another possibility is that they could move it to Balmoral Castle. Balmoral Castle is much higher elevation of 282 metres above sea level in Scotland.

When you do see the Throne moving then take this as another confirmation that the Throne of God Nibiru is near.

They do need a throne for the coronation of William at Seal One so this could be a last minute thing.

Whatever reason they give for moving the throne remember is probably a lie, a false flag event as mentioned before.

This may sound like a profound prophecy and it is, but common sense they wouldnt leave the throne there for seal 6, First Passing of the Throne

Thank You for watching.

Please share this with Family, Friends and Socials.
God Bless you all,


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