Saturday, October 26, 2024

"As Above, So Below" WHEN Jesus sits Heavenly Throne (Rev 5) THEN Antichrist sits Earthly Throne (Rev 6)

Video from 26th September 2023.

At the end i said next three weeks be high watch period, then Bang the Hamas thing happened on October 7th 2023.

We are still awaiting the inheritance event to happen.

Since the Revelation birth sign was complete on Rosh Hashanah 2017, Jesus has been in a manger in the heavens just like his First coming.

In the first coming, Herod/Satan could not find him, in our time, Satan as an angel in the heavens still also can't find him in the Heavens.

This is why Baraq o Bamah has not been on the scene since he left office which was the same time the Virgin the the heavens was impregnated with the manchild in Dec 2016 in preparation for the birth sign 9 months later in Sept 2017. 

Next year on the Feast of Trumpets is Jesus 8th Birthday since the birth sign was complete in 2017.

8 is the number of COMPLETION.!

There is a Women on the Earth too and she is Israel. 

The Women, Israel, will bring forward the manchild to God's throne by saying

"Blessed is he who comes in the name of lord"

or them speaking in Hebrew tongue

"Baruch Haba B'shem Adonai"

then the inheritance event will be complete.

Michael and his angels will also throw down to earth, Satan and his angels so the manchild can have safe passage to God's throne.

Enoch also confirms this event will occur during the Feast of Tabernacles as he said it was the 14th day of the 7th month, which later God through my father Moses, made this the Feast of Tabernacles.

I believe this event will happen on a Sabbath Day just like the Book of Revelation was given to John on the Sabbath Holy Day.

Then Jesus will sit at God's right side and hold the inheritance of this Earth in the form of a scroll with Seven Seals.

You will hear the voice of the angel as a Shofar, and when the event is complete, scripture says all the animals on the earth shall all erupt into Song.
We should hear that if we are awake and not asleep (spiritually).
BELOW (Earth)

When Jesus opens the first Seal the Antichrist is crowned King on the Earth and takes his seat on the Throne of David in London.

There is the Throne in the house of Lords with Lions of Judah and Harps of David on it. 

Ground 0 in London literal 0 metres above sea, they even have gates to keep the sea out and stop it flooding London.

There is also the coronation Throne which i have researched to be in Westminster Abbey. Also 0m above sea.

They also claim to possess Jacob's Pillow (Stone of Destiny) that Jacob rested on when he had his dream (Gen 28) That is supposedly in Edinburgh Castle or scone abbey. Perhaps at a higher elevation.

"As Above so Below"

WHEN Jesus sits on the heavenly throne at God's right hand and takes the scroll with Seven Seals....
THEN the next Event is Seal One and the False Christ will be crowned and take his Seat on the Earthly Throne of King David in London.

Thanks for taking the time to look at this post.

Keep watch for the time is short. 
by my timeline 62 weeks until the throne hits so roughly 50 weeks from now until all these events begin.

God Bless you all in Jesus precious Name and Blood,



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