Monday, September 11, 2023

DIRTY TEMPLE Mount Watch Period OCT 18th. 2300 Day PROPHECY. =Tevet 14th BLOOD MOON 2029 +45 days


We are still waiting on the 2300 days (6 Years and 3.5 Days) prophecy of a dirty Temple mount until the days be fulfilled in which the sanctuary would be cleansed.

I shared recently about Sept 3rd, and counting 2300 days into the future.

which would get us to the big Tevet 14th Blood Moon on December 20th 2029.

How this could be a possible death day of the Two Witnesses, just before Christmas as the scripture say the Heathen 

"make merry and send gives Gifts one to another, because these Two Prophets tormented them that dwell in the Earth
~ Rev 11.

Thing is that the cleansing of the Earth does not happen at the end of the Tribulation & the Two Witnesses death and resurrection but 45 days later at the Battle at Armageddon.

According to Acts 1 Jesus will descend in Like manner as he Ascended which was 45 days after his death and 40 days after his resurrection.

Daniel 12 also confirms the exact same thing.
There will 1290 days after the Daily sacrifice has been taken away until the end. which will also be the end of the Two witnesses.

Blessed is the one (Jesus Christ) that has waited and comes at the 1335 Days.

This has a 45 days offset also.

According to Vision i had also and common sense the Earth will be fully cleansed when Jesus Christ actually returns, and puts his feet on the ground at the Battle at Armageddon and rules the world 1000 years.

 Armageddon possible day.

45 days after Tevet 14th / Dec 20th 2029 blood moon = Feb 3rd 2030.

So lets count 2300 days back from the possible day.

This would bring us to October 18th this year.

give or take 3.5 days.

This is because it is unclear if the Two Witnesses are killed ON the Full Moon or 3.5 days before.

Jesus crucifixion day - God passed over and made the sun go down at Noon Time in Israel


The Two Witnesses Resurrection day, is when God passes over and Second Passing of God's Throne, Nibiru, locks onto earth within one hour of them ascending to Heaven in a cloud.

Revelation 11:
12 And they heard a great voice from heaven saying unto them, Come up hither. And they ascended up to heaven in a cloud; and their enemies beheld them.

13 And the same hour was there a great earthquake, and the tenth part of the city fell, and in the earthquake were slain of men seven thousand: and the remnant (144,000) were affrighted, and gave glory to the God of heaven.

So if we see power change over in any way, concerning the Temple mount around October 18th, this is 2300 days until Jesus rules and cleans the Earth at Armageddon.

P.S This 2300 days of a dirty sanctuary in God's Eyes is the longest day prophecy of all prophecies.

UPDATE (30TH Sept)

Peace with the Saudis is easy – they just want the Temple Mount

God Bless you all.

Keep Watch,


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