Friday, August 26, 2022

Yellowstone Super Volcano HIGHEST EVER ... Temperature of Surface Water. Trumpet Six Birth Pains.

Yellowstone Super Volcano just recorded the Highest ever surface water temperature that it ever has on my records (By Far) i have kept over 7 Years. I thought it might of been a mistake so i double checked the readings from the stations. and checked the calculation in Excel and all seemed fine.
The Highest of my reading for surface temperature ever is 28.
This reading was 35.
I had to readjust my Graph axis levels.

This is Yellowstone Super Volcano right now.
Yellowstone is Trumpet Six the Bottomless pit that will open and darken the skies and Sun.

Trumpet Five – Yellowstone erupts, Bottomless pit opens. Locust torment them that are not the 144,000 saints for 5 months, Sting of Scorpion.

These Trumpets will happen after the Throne of God Nibiru passes / Hits earth at Seal 6-7...

Seals Six and Seven - Gods Throne Nibiru passing over Earth for the first time.

The Great multitude are going to be caught up and saved in the First Rapture at Seal 6-7.

7 - FIRST Rapture,
14 - SECOND/LAST Rapture &21 - Eternal Life.

- God Bless you all Pastor Prophet Justin Roberts

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ALIEN DISCLOSURE - RAPTURE Deception. Before The Throne God, Nibiru, Hits Earth.

I feel this is 90% going to happen before the Throne of God , Nibiru , hits the Earth (54 weeks) That is that the Government will rel...