Monday, June 6, 2022

BIBLICAL NUMBERS 40 & 70. Antichrist`s Solstice Birthday & Queens Throne Reign. Illuminati, Horus,

Now we are coming up on Williams 40 Year Birthday, on the Summer Solstice, when their sun-god was suppose to be born in the world.

We are also coming up on 70 years of the Queen sitting of the Throne of King David.

When William, the Clone, is crowned King and sits on the Throne of David, this is SEAL ONE.

He will also replace his Granny at the top of the Pyramid of the Illuminati.

HE IS the One Eyee HORUS in which the New World Order was created for. He is HORUS the first born son to ISIS, who they call Diana.

Thanks for Watching. God Bless you all,

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