Tuesday, October 19, 2021

The SEVEN HEADS / KINGS of The BEAST. Flavian Dynasty. Revelation & Daniel.

The Seven Heads are Seven Kings

Revelation 17:10-11
And there are seven kings: 
five are fallen,
and ONE IS!,
and the other is Not yet come
and when he comes, he must continue a short space.

And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goes into perdition.

The Angel was talking in present tense.
The Five Kings that have Fallen are
1. Galba,
2. Othio,
3. Vitellius,
4. Vespasian

These are the Kings that destroyed the Temple in 70AD.
Then the Kings that IS. Is the the King that was in power when the Book of Revelation was written, He is called 6. Domitian.

The Angel is then talking in Future Tense.
But the Seventh has not yet come, but when he does come he must remain (as king) a little while.

This is the First Event of the End of the Age when the Antichrist is crowned as King first and sits on the Throne of David.

Seal One - Antichrist is crowned and released, sits on the Throne of David

When the Antichrist is just a King, They will rebuild the Temple and this will also continue the end of this prophecy.

When the Antichrist rises from the dead he then becomes the 8th King
Demanding worship as god from the whole world, consequently bringing in the end of the World and the Return and Reign of Jesus to the World.

Events of the Last 3.5 years

Thank you for taking the time to read this Article,
Please share this with Family, Friends and Social Media,
God Bless you all,

1 comment:

  1. Justin Roberts! I had a good friend named Justin Roberts at my Christian school growing up in Oklahoma! That is a really cool coincident.


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