Monday, October 18, 2021

FIRST Rapture. WHO Goes? ALL Children under the Age of Maturity


First Rapture, Who goes? Who stays?

Who Goes at the First Rapture? which happens at the First Passing of God`s Throne, at the Sixth Seal.

sixth seal throne of god nibiru hits earth worldwide earthquake sun is darkened moon blood red goes down at noon time in israel 12 oclock government illuminati run underground bunkers cities, 144000 saints sealed foreheads, 12 tribes israel, Asher, benjamin, Gad, Isichar, Judah, Joseph, Levi, Menasseh, Nephatali, Reuben, Simeon, Zebulon, Great multitude raptured earth, dust to dust, seal six seven silence in heaven, thunders, lightings, voices, lock off, seven angels trumpets prepare sound,

Seal Six and Seven - Gods Throne Nibiru passing over Earth for the first time.

All Children under age of maturity, Not Accountable for sin, ALL Caught Up to Gods Throne at Seal Six.

My Answer is definitely all the Young will all be caught up to God`s Throne as part of the Great Multitude.
I ask God at what point does one become held accountable for sin. The answer that came back was How about nature? 
then i realised a Human matures to an Adult usually around Age 12 when start puberty etc. Also then realising the Jews also celebrate Bar mitzvah at this point to celebrate the child becoming an Adult, but in western society we have been programmed different.

So ALL Children 12 Years and under  will be caught up to Gods throne, Nibiru 
How come all the people on the Denver Murals are all the same age as prince William brining peace to the nations? 

Likewise i think all the old people who have washed their sins away in the blood of the lamb shall also be caught up.

Also i Prayer that all the people who have disabilities, physical and mental, who cant repent of their sins, that they also be saved.

And then all the people, in the right mind and who ask God`s forgiveness, shall be saved.
All of these people in "danger" area in the earth shall be caught up to God`s Throne. 

The 144,000 shall stay on the Earth but will be led to "Safe Havens" before Gods throne passes at the Sixth Seal.

sixth seal throne of god nibiru hits earth worldwide earthquake sun is darkened moon blood red goes down at noon time in israel 12 oclock government illuminati run underground bunkers cities, 144000 saints sealed foreheads, 12 tribes israel, Asher, benjamin, Gad, Isichar, Judah, Joseph, Levi, Menasseh, Nephatali, Reuben, Simeon, Zebulon, Great multitude raptured earth, dust to dust, seal six seven silence in heaven, thunders, lightings, voices, lock off, seven angels trumpets prepare sound,

Seal Six and Seven - Gods Throne Nibiru passing over Earth for the first time.

So enjoy your time with your Family and friends especially when the Seals begin and you only have forty days to do so.
Please share this Article with your Family and Friends and Social Media,

God Bless you all,

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ALIEN DISCLOSURE - RAPTURE Deception. Before The Throne God, Nibiru, Hits Earth.

I feel this is 90% going to happen before the Throne of God , Nibiru , hits the Earth (54 weeks) That is that the Government will rel...