Thursday, October 21, 2021

BLUE Kachina - COMET HOLMES - Hopi`s - SEVEN YEAR Tribulation, Purification of Earth


The Hopi`s Blue Katchina, COMET HOLMES 7 year Orbit.

The Hoi Blue Katchina Prophecy Seven 7 Year Tribulation earths purification jesus return end of the age bible prophecy Justin Roberts

Now this is not Bible Prophecy but i thought i would give it a mention because it lines up with End times Bible Prophecy.
The Hopis believe that a Blue Star Katchina will shine to mark the beginning of 7 Years of Tribulation before the purification of the Earth comes. (Jesus return).

Daniel`s Seven Year Agreement with Mnay Nations, brings Sudden Destruction

Very Interesting as we have a 7 Year agreement that comes just as the Tribulation begins. The Tribulation is set to last for the Seven Years but them days shall be shortened.
The First 3.5 Years shall be cut short, the Last 3.5 Year events are all set in stone. 

Events of the Last 3.5 years

I came across a Comet called "Holmes" which has a pretty much 7 Year orbit and the last time it exploded it was a massive Blue Ball, and Astronomers were amazed. This is the Comet i believe is the prime suspect to the be the Katchina Star if any. This is good as we can track it`s orbit always. 

So be interesting to see if the Blue star Katchina will shine, I actually think it is very possible. 
As the throne of God starts getting really close many other things will be coming from space also. 

Thank you for taking the time to read this Article,
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God Bless you all,

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