Tuesday, September 7, 2021

September 30th - MY Star "VESTA" Passes Out of VIRGO, The Sign of Women in Heavens. 2014, 2018, 2021

This is incredible.
I was looking at someone`s video about the Revelation 12 sign. How this year is the Fourth Year from that Revelation 12 Sign being complete in the Heavens in 2017.
Then i saw my old friend Vesta in the Heavens.

In 2014, God showed me something. a pair of Stars, Twins, Ceres & Vesta stars. and they came and passed through the Holy Virgin in the Heavenly sign, Virgo.
Amazing thing Vesta passed out of the Constellation Virgo on my birthday August 11th. The other star passed through Virgo on the 19th August.

in 2018 I went through a trial, literally. I was treated Guilty until proved Innocent really. The Crown took me away from my Family and Home. I was without Home for 3 months.
The first month though i stayed with my Dad and the First month i was so focussed on ministry and i blasted out Video Sermons on End of the Age matters. I literally was posting once a day finished sermons.
then after things return to normal. then the last third month i was out in the wold and learnt about preparing for the Exodus.

I noticed later though, at that very time of July through August, when i was smashing ministry is when My Star "Vesta" was making a loop inside the Golden Gate constellation Ophiuchus. I was so shocked, the stars events were matching big changes / revelations in my life also.

Now in 2021 My Star "Vesta" will pass out of the Virgin Virgo the last day of this month. So i am really looking for something to happen in my life, Good or bad, God is always in control. They can make me homeless but i learn to Exodus etc.
So lets see last day of the month. and over the last Weeks ive been really focussed on ministry, power point presentation preparation, so this makes sense for me right now that my Star is returning for another pass..

God Bless you amen.

Ceres & Vesta birth from Holy Virgin (VIRGO) August 11th & 19th (2014)
My-Star "VESTA" is returning for ONE Month flight in "GOLDEN GATE" Constellation Ophiuchus. July-August 21st (2018)
Jul-Aug 2018. AMAZED My Star "Vesta" in "Golden Gate", Spirit to Blitz Ministry teaching Videos
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