Thursday, August 19, 2021

HAPPY BIRTHDAY the "ELIJAH" to come. Jason "The Healer"... Star "Ceres"


Happy Birthday to Jason "the Healer", Born August 19th 1984.
As Elijah also Healed, the Dead.
The Elijah to come in the "End of the age", If He and the World is willing to Accept it.

The Ceres star that was born from the Holy Virgin (Virgo) in the Heavens on August 19th 2014.

As the Star Jupiter, "The King" impregnated the Virgin in in the the Heavens on December 2016, 9 months before...

The Great Sign in the Heavens of Revelation 12.

Secondly The Star "Vesta" was born from the Holy Virgin on August 11th 2014.

God Bless you all Amen.

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