Thursday, July 29, 2021

MY Encounter with SATAN. FULL Article. 7 Days, "Metatron", Dragon, Juabon,

My Encounter with Satan in August 2020. He came to take my life because iI AM a threat to his Kingdom and New World Order

He came to take my life in Two Days before the Angels came down to Earth and start his New World Order. - That didnt happen.

He says i was then going to die on the Friday following - That didnt happen.

The Angel "Metatron" is an Alias of Satan/Dragon. REPENT New Age, Judaism Witchcraft, False Death Threats

Metatron seems to be real in the "New Age" Religion and the "Judaism Witchcraft" they see him as an Archangel, he is no Archangel, I AM Greater than him.

He is no Archangel but Satan the Dragon himself.

Because of his Illusion i left my Home area and went 

freaked out and ended up grabbing my Exodus bug out bag and fleeing to the mountains just for these few days.
When i was walking in the mountain he then tried chasing me down. I heard his feet on the ground running at me, but could not see him.

Satan and His Angels still in Heaven "I SEEN him FLYING"(August 2020)

He then put on his wings and was flying around and we were talking. He can communicate through telepathy, He hears yours thoughts, but answered back in more Audible voice.
He said he had to kill me off and then he would begin his reign for the New World Order, starting by blowing up a stadium in the US. and bringing all the countries in to a New World Order.

ARMY of Celebrity (HUMAN) "CLONES", SATAN & his ANGELS cast Down into.

SO Satan still has his wings, that means that the Revelation 12 fight in the Heavens between Satan and his Angels and Michael and his Angels has not happened yet.
Because Satan looses the fight and Michael and his Angels throw Satan and his Angels down to Earth.
Then them wingless Spirit beings are then stuck on the Earth.

When i made him mad he transformed into the Great Red Dragon.

Satan is Thrown down to Earth as "Baraq o Bamah" - Mr "Lightning from the Heights"

When he, The Red Dragon gets thrown down to earth as "Baraq o Bamah" (Lightning from the heights) him and all his Angels will loose their Angelic powers... 
so if you have been communicating with him, it will be no more after that time.
After all together seven days his power and Illusions had Gone.

Satan confirmed
"Jahbulon" The name of Illuminati / Freemason god

The Song "The Days of Elijah" was playing, and there is that part of the song, "There is no God like Jahovah" Praise the Lord.

Well Satan also used to voice over and even mix over the songs i was playing. well he replaced the word "Jahovah" with "Jahbulon"... so he was singing "there is no god like Jahbulon"...

Now there is only place i heard this name before and that was in this long documentary about the Freemasons.
So this proves that this is true that they worship Satan as god under the name Jahbulon.

THE ESCTASY after my ENCOUNTER with SATAN. THE 1000 Years, be like that?

After the Encounter i had with the Angel Satan (Metatron) in August 2020, I then encountered a Great Holy spirit, Holy Angels singing and touching everyone that was around me.
I believe this how it will be during the 1000 years when Jesus Christ rules the world. That everyone will be in perfect Ecstasy with each other without ANY Negative feeling.

Thank you for taking the time to read this Article,
Please share this with Family, Friends and Social Media,
God Bless you all,

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