Monday, July 12, 2021

3.5 year mission complete, 40k+ Church Contacts, every country in World


3.5 Years Ago on New Years Eve, while everyone else was out partying and drinking, the spirit of God came upon me.
God commissioned me send the word of End of the Age Prophecy to all the Churches. 
And my response was, "All the churches in the world?"
So i went out to connect with all the churches in the world some how.
By USING Facebook i searched all Churches from EVERY Country in the world, and took not of their contacts details.
I completed this for mall countries. I also made note of media outlets, online News website, etc. I also saved the contacts of Pastors on LinkedIN.I made especially important to take note of Pastors contact and Location in India and Paksitan amid a Ministry mission.
At the beginning of this Year my contacts were around 35,000.
I could see 40,000 as a target, as 40 is a very biblical number, but did not believe i would be able to hit that target as it had taken 3 years to get to 35k.
God put on my spirit to start preparing for the UK Mission.
I had a List of Cities in which i plan to visit in the 40 day missionary. I then began to search Church, Chapel, Mosque and Synagogue in every City, using Google.

At the end of this the total contacts was 44.5k, and now I AM done in searching out churches across the world.

This Strangely and super conveniently for me happened at this time. LinkedIN restricted my account for looking at to many profiles.
My responses was like "haha, Ive already used LinkedIN for what i really needed it for, and now they have deleted me, as i have just completed my mission"

Now i just have to wait for the End of the Age Events to begin so that the word can go out. 

God Bless you all.

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