Tuesday, June 29, 2021

"Va'etchanan" Moses finished His Mission, I AM Began My Mission, August 1984

"Va'etchanan" Moses finished His Mission, I AM Began My Mission.
Va'etchanan, the time of the Year when Moses finished his ministry and did not cross over the Jordan to the promise land.
He then died shortly after.

When looking back at what Jewish date (13th Av) i was Born on, rather than the Roman Calander (August 11th).
I then came across the this Event.

Interesting that Moses mission finished the same time as my Mission (Life) begun.

I feel more connected to Moses than any other bible character. 

We know that the Two Witnesses will be coming in these End Times. 

Both are given power that was given to Moses and Elijah. - The Two Witnesses, prophets with power like Moses and Elijah.
I have even experienced the same things as written in the bible. When i was an ATHIEST i saw a burning red light in a cloud on the the other side of the Estuary here.
Just like what happened to the Israelites before they crossed the Red Sea. The Angel of God stood between them and the Egyptians, near the Sea Shore.

When i was fishing on that other side of the Estuary i also saw a Great storm coming from the south west.
What i basically experienced then was a supernatural Burning Tree.
I looked after it had died down and could not find any trace visually, nor could i smell it.
Burning Bush appeared to me, when i was an Athiest.
So just thought i share this to my Video Ministry

God Bless
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