Wednesday, June 30, 2021

GAY PRIDE: Satan`s SIX Colours FLAG. Not God`s SEVEN Colours RAINBOW. Abominations, IAM Forgiven of.


GAY PRIDE: Satan`s 6 COLOURS FLAG. Not God`s 7 COLOURS RAINBOW. Abominations, IAM Forgiven of.

The Six Colours in the Gay Pride Flag have 6 colours for the very reason that Satan is denied permission to use Gods 7 colours of pure light.
Gay Pride as association to the Devil through this connection also.
The Number of the Beast 666.

Gods colours of the Rainbow are 7.... God number is Seven, Seven, Seven.

Even i have commit Homosexual acts in the pass when i was very young and heavy into Drugs.
So if i can be forgiven and God has made me a Prophet for the end of the Age and Jesus return, then how easy can anyone get forgiven and saved.

So if you do practice Homosexuality and Trangenderism, Simply Stop now and Repent. Ask God for forgiveness and God will forgive you, Go your way and serve no more.

Homosexuality practice is now become the catalyst for World War 3.
All through the years 1500 Years the Roman Empire has broken the commandments.
But now they have made Homosexuality totally legal and even protected.
This Abomination has brought Gods Wrath up on the Nations, thanks to mainly Satan incarnated "Baraq o Bamah"

When Jesus takes the Scroll with Seven Seals (Revelation 4 & 5), Three celebrations, animals singing on Earth.
Seven seals Full Article.
The SEVEN YEAR Agreement with MANY.
Seals Six and Seven - Gods Throne Nibiru passing over Earth for the first time.
Revelation 7, 14 & 21... FIRST Rapture, SECOND/LAST Rapture & Eternal Life.
Trumpet Seven – Is delayed until the end, when the Two Witnesses have finished their 3.5 year prophesying.
The Seven Trumpet Judgements.
SEVENTH ANGEL Sounding. Second Passing of the Throne of God Nibiru. Two Witnesses resurrect and ascend, 144,000 ascend, Great Harvest Rapture, Seven Bowls of Wrath.
The Seven Bowls of Wrath judgement of God.

Thanks for taking the time to Watch this Video, Read this Article.

God Bless.

FAST Track PROPHECY Learning, Links.

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