Monday, June 28, 2021

ALL Children UNDER AGE Of Accountability, SAVED, "Caught Up" God`s Throne. @ SEAL SIX

ALL Children UNDER AGE Of Accountability, SAVED, "Caught Up" God`s Throne. at the Sixth Seal.
Children around the age 12 and Younger.

This is because they are NOT ACCOUNTABLE for Sin.
At this Age though they transform from a Child to an Adult physically.

This is also the time they go from blameless, to accountable.

So all under that Age will be caught up to Gods throne, as part of the Great Multitude that are Raptured, at the First passing of the Throne Seals 6-7.
So be ye prepared when the Seven Seals begin to open.
prepare you heart for the depart.
The Seven Trumpet Judgements.
and then Revelation says just after Seal Seven that the prayers of the Saints (still on earth) will go up before God.
He then LOCKS OFF Earth, with another Major Worldwide Earthquake
Then the Seven Trumpet Judgements happen.
The Seven Trumpet Judgements.
God will not suffer the Little Children to be a part in the Great tribulation.

God Bless you all, Amen 

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