Tuesday, May 18, 2021


REPENT of Sunday, Gods Angels shall call from Heaven with voice of a Trumpet on Saturday.

People still not willing to turn from the Lie of sunday worship holy Day.
saturday, true sabbath day, lord holy day, beginning world, held jews israel, satan, babylon the great whore, rome, scarlet beast, pope papacy, created sunday, pagan feasts, 324ad, 364ad, Constantine, rest day, cut off from christ,

Why people seem to think its ok for a 1500 year lie to be ok?


The king of the north and king of the south. scarlet beast empire romean baraq o bamah pope papacy, prince willia, king william v, babylon the great whore, rome vatican, jews, israel, jerusalem,



Sunday was literally Created by Satan Through Gods enemy Rome, the King of the North
Bablyon the great whore, rome, vatican, clother, red, purple, seven hills, mountains, abomination, poswer  kings earth,

Babylon the Great Whore Rome, Created Sunday 300 years after the Bible was finished.

Babylon the Great whore ROME. Mother of Harlots

the angels crys with a loud voice who is worthy to take the book and too loosen the seven seals there of, vice of a trumpet

When the End of the Age Events begin, a Strong Angel with a loud voice shall cry out and asks

"Who is worthy to take the Book and to Loose the Seals (seven) there of"

We will hear this Angel like a Loud Trumpet sound.

remember the true sabbath day, saturday, john given book revelation, end of the age, events begin, start, voice of trumpet

This will happen on the Day the Lord made, chose, hallowed and kept as a sign between him and us forever, SATURDAY.

Remember the True Sabbath day (Saturday) and experience this MIRACLUOUS Event to come. The Man child caught up to Gods throne (Revelation 5 & 12)
So Will the Sunday sinners see sense after this Event?
They wont have long to Repent anyway.

If God`s Trumpet Sounds on Sunday, "I Will Repent". but When God`s Angels Sounds on Saturday, will u Repent???

40 forty days nights until judgment nations cities repentance before throne of god nibiru hits earth at the sixth seal.

The Seven Seals with follow shortly after, and it will be 30-40 Days from Seal One (the Antichrist being Crowned and released), until the Sixth Seal (The First Passing of Godds Throne Nibiru) happens

40 days to destruction The Throne of God , Nibiru, hitting Earth at Seal Six, on the Full Moon From Seal One One (Antichrist being crowned)

sixth seal throne of god nibiru hits earth worldwide earthquake sun is darkened moon blood red goes down at noon time in israel 12 oclock government illuminati run underground bunkers cities, 144000 saints sealed foreheads, 12 tribes israel, Asher, benjamin, Gad, Isichar, Judah, Joseph, Levi, Menasseh, Nephatali, Reuben, Simeon, Zebulon, Great multitude raptured earth, dust to dust, seal six seven silence in heaven, thunders, lightings, voices, lock off, seven angels trumpets prepare sound,

Then bang Gods throne, Nibiru hits Earth at the Sixth Seal and that the End for a lot of people.

Seal Six and Seven - Gods Throne Nibiru passing over Earth for the first time.

god prove which sabbath truth follow, saturday, sunday, god, sign in the heavens, four blood moons, tetrad, passover, 2014, feast of tabernacles 2015, jewish feasts, Pastor Prophet Justin Roberts - End of the age bible prophecy

The Lord himself put 4 blood moons in a row up in 2014-15 on the Feasts of God, to remind us to Keep the truth...
Not fake things of Rome like Easter.

FAKE EASTER 1.5 Days DEAD... GOD`s TRUTH, 1st Day Sabbath of PASSOVER - 3.5 Days Dead

If they do turn to the Truth and Hold their worship on Saturday they will receive Great Blessings.
God doesn't dwell in houses built on Lies like sunday churches.
If people do repent of working on the Lords day Saturday they will be blessed.,

Prophetic Dream, cradling baby. "Keep all my commandments" After i Agreed to work Saturday

I received a Dream that Repented me, when i agreed to work on Saturday... So i know without a shadow of a doubt, the The Saturday is the Lords Day.

Not just that, if we are looking for God on the correct day he will appear, Ie sunday sinners will be shopping and or pleasing themselves on the Holy Day Saturday and will not hear Gods voice like a trumpet.
for those who are looking for him he shall he appear.

How hard is to change? 
Bible warns that those that break the commandments in which "Remembering the Sabbath" IS the Fourth most important commandment, and teach others to do the same shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven. ~ Matt 5:19

Another place in the bible it says it would be better for them that cause the little ones to sin (break law) that it would of been better for them to have a stone hung around their neck and for them to be drowned in the sea" Matt 18:6

come out of her my people, babylon, great whore, rome, vatican, pope, papacy, break, ten commandments, statues, engraven images, calling father, sunday worship, homosexuality,

"Come out of Her my People, Unless you are partaking in her sins"

So the Cry that happens before the Second Passing of the Throne must go out before the First Passing of the Throne, for Billions shall perish because of the First Passing of the Throne.

Revelation 18:4-5
Come out of her, my people, that ye be NOT partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.
For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities.

To come out of Babylon the Great whore Rome and stop practicing what she has created because they are all Ungodly and are setup for the Antichrist.

So Repent while we still have time. 

Revelation 22:14
Blessed are they that DO his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city.

Thank you for taking the time to read this Article,
Please share this with Family, Friends and Social Media,
God Bless you all,

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