Thursday, April 22, 2021



King of the North  = Roman Empire

The King of the South = Israel

North = Red 
South = Blue

Labour = Red 
Conservative = Blue

Republican = Red 
= Blue

Interestingly enough these colours are found in other aspects of Life...
Not by Mistake

When the Antichrist is crowned first as a King, (Seal One) he becomes head in that Roman North Empire.

These are the Two Kings of Both the North and the South, and Leader of Israel will be the Two Kings that finish Daniel 11, until Jesus return.

Wearing Ties in their Empires Colours. How Ironic just had to Save. This was on Prince Williams visit to Israel.

The First Ever visit to Israel by a British Royal EVER, Since Britain even started creating Israel in 1917 (Balfour Declaration)

While King of North is Just a King, the Temple of God will be built again by the King of the South and Jewish people.

KING WILLIAM - Seven Heads / Kings of the BEAST Revealed - Flavian Dynasty

But after the King of the North rises from the dead (Revelation 13), he shall go onto the land of the King of the South and place himself in the Temple of God claiming to be God.

DOUBLE MEANING to Antichrist "Sitting in the TEMPLE of GOD showing himself to be god"

And the People of the King of the North, Romans, Shall destroy the city of Jerusalem for 42 months.

Jerusalem Destroyed by Roman Babylonian Empire. Last 3.5 Years.

and demand that all people of Jewish Israel shall follow the ways of Rome and the North, and that all people should keep sunday and Not Saturday as the Lords day.

TRUE Judeo Christianity vs Fake Babylonian Christianity

And the King of the North will demand everyone including the people of Israel, to worship the King of the North, the Antichrist on sunday... and shall set up an Image of the Antichrist, that can also speak, into every sunday church in the world. and anyone that wont worship an Image of the Antichrist should be killed.

False Prophet makes them erect an Image of the beast that can speak

The persecution of the Jews and Israel shall only continue for 42 months. The Antichrist King William V only has 42 months to Exhalt himself to be worshipped as God. 

Events of the Last 3.5 years

And when the Two Witnesses 
have finished their 3.5 years Prophecy like unto Moses and Elijah. Also, the 144,000 Saints who are the descendants of Israel shall ascend upto the One True Gods Throne Nibiru, and be with Him forever.
And the Seventh Angel will sound and Dead in Christ shall rise First and them that are still Alive shall also ascend to Gods throne.

The Seventh Angel sounds his Trumpet, Second Passing of the Throne

The Babylon the Great Whore, Vatican Rome, who created a Fake chritianity and deceived many, shed all the blood on earth and took all the riches.

Babylon the Great whore ROME. Mother of Harlots

That Babylon the Great Whore Rome shall be destroyed and found no more.

Babylon the Great destroyed before lords return

At the Battle at Armageddon, The Antichrist King William V & The False Prophet Last Pope, shall be destroyed and cast into the Lake of Fire.
And the Armies of the Anchrist and them that follow the ways of Rome shall be killed with the sword that comes from the mouth of the King Jesus Christ on his return to Earth.

Jesus Returns at The Battle at Armageddon.

Then Jesus Christ the King of the Jews, The King of Israel once known, shall rule all the world for 1000 Years

Satan is cast in the Bottomless pit for 1000 Years. then after thrown into the Lake of Fire.

And the Two Witnesses like unto Moses and Elijah and the 144,000 Saints... and all them "Keep the Commandments of God and have the Testimony of Jesus Christ" shall reign with Christ for 1000 Years

JESUS rules the World ONE THOUSAND Years, 7TH Millennium

Thank you for taking the time to read this Article,
Please share this with Family, Friends and Social Media,
God Bless you all,

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