Wednesday, February 24, 2021

March 6th. 1260 Days After REV 12 Birth Sign in Heavens. JUPITER (King) & Mercury Conjunction.


At March 6th it will be 1260 days since the Great sign in the Heavens of Revelation 12.

In December 2016, Jupiter (king) entered Virgo the Virgin 9 months before the Sign of the Birth of the Son of Man Second coming is complete on Rosh Hashanah 2017.

The Women clothed with the Sun and the Moon under her feet, and on her Head a Crown of 12 stars.

It does mention in the early part of Rev 12, that the women would flee for 1260 days. and here we are at that point now.

One of the Next things to be said is there is war in Heaven, Michael and his Angels will throw down Satan and his Angels.

More over it maybe that not even the Man child has been revealed into public view in the Heaven.

I know for myself that this event has not happened yet as Satan came to me in August 2020 to take my life. As part of that experience he did put on his wings and fly as we spoke, so i can assure u that event has not happened yet.

So eyes open for this milestone time of 1260 days after Rev 12 sign. It maybe after this the Man child Jesus Christ is caught upto the Throne to begin the End of the Age, and also Satan and his Angels are cast down to Earth and start their campaign for a New World Order.

Something else quite incredible happen at that very time in the early morning Eastern sky, Jupiter (The King planet) that represented Jesus in the birth, will conjoin with Mercury on that very day.
So just a heads up. God Bless u all, Pastor Prophet Justin Roberts

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