Thursday, July 2, 2020

TRUMPET TWO Birth Pains. CANARY ISLAND Volcanoes, STILL Quaking highest in FIVE Years, EXODUS, EAST COAST

The Earthquakes at and around the Canary Island Volcanoes, are still on a big rise.

Looking at the Graph you can see the earthquake quantity we are experience right now is much higher than it has been in at any time in the last 5 year.
There was a time of heightened activity in the fall of 2015, but the spike we are in now much exceeds that.


These earthquake could be considered a birth pain sign that Trumpet Judgements are approaching.
For Trumpet Two is "a Great mountain of fire" (Volcano) cast into the sea.
La Palma is split open and scientist say the next time there is a big eruption half of the mountain will collapse into the sea... this would send a mega tsunami across the Atlantic Ocean, hence the scripture "third of the ships were destroyed"
Anyone on the East and seeing these numbers would seriously be prepared even getting their Exodus bag ready to go. The Americans would have 6 hours from the collapse until the Tsunami hits the shores.

But we as Christians, reading Revelations have a pre-warning. The Seven Seals have to happen first before Gods Throne Nibiru hits Earth. 

The Seven Trumpets follow immediately after the Seven Seals.

So advice to the saints of the East coast would be wise, "Flee to the mountains" before Gods throne hits. God wants to preserve you to go through the end of the age as his elect saints (144,000), but this trumpet will wipe out everything on the East caost, so you must flee before this happens, and your key is watching for the seven seals unfolding before your eyes.

Thanks for taking the time to read / listen to this article.
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God Bless you all.

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