Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Jordan could support Israeli-Palestinian binational state, its PM says

ut such a country would have to ensure equal democratic rights for all its citizens, stresses PM Omar Razzaz

Jordanian Prime Minister Omar Razzaz said his country could possibly back a single Israeli-Palestinian state, if it offered equal rights to all citizens.
Speaking to the UK Guardian newspaper in an interview published Tuesday, Razzaz said a binational state could, under those circumstances, be an alternative to the two-state solution that currently forms the basis of international expectations to end the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
The proposed one-state format comes as Israel plans to extend sovereignty to areas of the West Bank, as allowed under US President Donald Trump’s peace proposal, which envisions Palestinian rule and eventually a state on the remaining territory. Critics say Israeli intentions to unilaterally annex settlements in the West Bank and the strategic Jordan Valley, some 30 percent of the territory, would end the possibility of a viable two-state solution.

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