Monday, July 15, 2019


For the Third time since ive been born again Believer (6 years) the Red Alert Earthquakes have breached over a level of 22. 
We can see from the graph that from end of May until now the number has rapidly increased from 6, up to a number of 27 today

In September 2018 there was a massive spike that took the number of Red Alert Earthquakes. And now the level has been broken again fro the Third Time. 

This is the Monthly average and you can see from the Graph that this month (July 2019 is currently miles above the normal. and this month is also the Highest monthly average since i started take these record in July 2014 (5 years)

The Graph above shows the Total amount of Earthquakes (all Magnitude/strength). The norm is usually not over 2000.
We had a massive and unusual spike in and around July 2018 where is spiked upto around 6000. That is THREE TIMES the normal at that time...

But now the Total amount of Earthquakes has just hit 11000 level. which is nearly SIX TIMES the normal

Earthquake are the Primary Birth Pain sign that the Throne of God Nibiru is coming down to Passover Earth during the 6th SealVolcano activity is also hand in hand with the rise of Earthquakes
 So when the Throne of God is closing in on Earth the Earthquakes WILL rise. God will not Passover quietly and without warning. 

  1. Sixth Seal is opened, Throne of God is passes over Earth the First time.
  2. Worldwide Earthquake as the Throne LOCKS ON to Earth
  3. Sun is Darkened and the Moon is Blood Red
  4. Earths poles shift as the Earth roles over
  5. World Government hide themselves in Underground In-Rock cities they haveprepared
  6. Gods Angel chooses his Elect 144,000 Tribulation Saintsmarks them onforehead
  7. Great multitude from all over the world are caught up to the Throne of God, they have been saved. 
  8. Seal Seven is opened.... Silence in Heaven for Half an HourThe Great multitude finish celebrating, and are silence
  9. Massive Worldwide LOCK OFF Earthquake as the Throne locks off of Earth
  10. Seven Trumpets begin immediately
    TRUMPET ONE = Earth passes through the Outer Tail of the Throne Nibiru1-8lb Fiery space rocks and Blood.

Now this is not me saying that Nibiru is going to Passover this month... We need to look for the First 5 Seals to of happened, at the same time we will see the Earthquakes rising at the same time. 

Seal One - The Antichrist is Crowned and released. 
Seal Two - War Outbreak from Israel. World war Three.

Seal Three -  The Stock money market collapses. 

After Seal Two and Three have happened - The Dome of the Rock is bombed and released. 

Seal Four - The Take down of North America (Fourth part of the Earth) by the rider on a Pail Horse (Kim Jun Un)

Seal Five - Many Gods people being killed in the War Outbreak, crying out to God in desperation for God to intervene. 

Then Seal Six - Whack the Throne of God Nibiru hits earth. 

I tell you the truth that event will be on a Full Moon as Revelation says the Moon turns like Blood Red. This 100% IMPOSSIBLE on a New Moon because there is NO light. But the 6th Seal is 100% POSSIBLE on a Full Moon as it is Full light to turn Blood red

How long will the Seals take? Not long, maybe 40 days maybe 30 days... 

 The Only Guarantee of knowing is when the Seals are happening before our very eyes matched with the Earthquakes increasing. 

Please keep watch and alert.

Any question please contact me.
God Bless you all Amen..

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