Video: JUPITER exits "GOLDEN GATE" Sat 25th
In One of my last Video i talked about how the The (King) Planet Jupiter is passing through the Constellation Ophiuchus and making a loop and coming back through the other way. The Constellation Ophiuchus was also known to the early church as the "Golden Gate" of Heaven and is also the centre of the Milky way.
Video: Jupiter the "King" Planet in "Golden Gate" Constellation. Mar 9th - May 13th
Stellerium space programme had Jupiter completing the loop and passing over the constellation line on the 13th May. This maybe incorrect.
The Sky on line space platform shows Jupiter crossing the Ophiuchus line on Saturday the 25th May.
Solar System Scope space platform also shows Jupiter crossing the Ophiuchus line on Saturday the 25th May.
Never the less all eyes on Israel (Women) to "Bring Forth" the Second coming of Jesus Christ. As the Scripture, After Satan has been thrown down, and is stuck on earth he is wroth with the women that brought forward the Man Child.

Who knows what action Israel will have to take to bring forward the Second coming of Christ. Maybe the prophecy Jesus made when standing on the Temple mount "Oh Jerusalem, you shall not see me again until you shall say BLESSED IS HE THAT COMES IN THE NAME OF THE LORD"
God Bless you all please share this article.
Many Thanks Pastor J
Many Thanks Pastor J
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