Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Netanyahu to AIPAC: The Jewish people do not bow down. We stand up. We fight. And we win.

PM gave a televised address to AIPAC from Israel where he is dealing with the ongoing security situation with Hamas; Netanyahu highlights stronger bilateral ties under the Trump Administration, Iran and global anti-Semitism.

Prime Minister Netanyahu gave a speech before the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) from Israel in a televised address on Tuesday. The prime minister returned to Israel on Monday, cutting his visit short in the United States to deal with the ongoing security situation with Hamas in the Gaza Strip. His annual address to the lobbying powerhouse was centered on the unwavering, strong bilateral ties between Israel and the United States under the Trump Administration, the rise of anti-Semitism and nuclear Iran.

Beginning with an update on the Israel Defense Forces’ (IDF) efforts in the Gaza Strip, he reported following a meeting with the IDF Chief of Staff, “In the last 24 hours, the IDF destroyed major Hamas terrorist installations on a scale not seen since the end of the military operation in Gaza four years ago… We will do what is necessary to defend our people and to defend our state.”

The prime minister then spoke of President Trump again making history for the State of Israel and global community in recognizing Israel’s sovereignty over the Golan Heights. He stated, “The Golan Heights is indispensable for our defense. It’s part of our history… Jews lived there for thousands of years and the people of Israel have come back to the Golan. Israel holds the high ground, and we shall never, ever give it up. It is part of Israel.”

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