Thursday, March 21, 2019

Jupiter the "King" Planet in "Golden Gate" Constellation. Mar 9th - May 13th

Between March 9th and May 13th Jupiter or more commonly known as "King" Planet will make a loop around in the Ophiuchus constellation. 

Ophiuchus was known to early Christians as the 13th Constellation, the centre of the Universe . It was also known as "Golden Gate of Heaven"

Last Year my star Vesta made a loop around the Golden gate from 21st of July to the 21st of August. During that time i was filled with the spirit and smashed out most of, if not all the End of the Age Prophecy Explanation Video that i had left to do. At the time though because of personal reason i had total forgot about the observation i had made. It wasn't until this year i looked back and realised that Vesta passing through the Golden Gate had a direct impact on my spirit. This is shocking, so don't think the things up there are meaningless.

Jupiter the King planet also was a symbol of Jesus Christ (The man child that will rule the world with a rod of Iron). Jupiter the King came into the Virgin in the heavens on December 2016. Symbolising Impregnating the Virgin. Then 9 months later on Rosh Hashanah the Revelation 12 sign in the Heavens was completed, with Jupiter still in Virgin.

What this may or may not mean? I wouldn't guess? But i certainly will be keeping watch for any fulfilment of Prophecy concerning the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. 

Disruptions have already started in Israel with many things happening on the temple mount, in the Government, air strikes etc, and these have all come in the first two weeks of this (since march 9th)

Keep watch, God Bless you all, Amen.

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