Tuesday, June 26, 2018

SOMETHING IS GOING ON.! Record Highs and Lows of Earthquakes at the same time.. take a look

This is so strange, As you can see from my records there is somthing happening like we have never seen before.

"Red Alerts" are earthquakes, usually large ones, that cause damage to property or people.

These earthquake numbers are at a very Low level. the lowest numbers possible have been hit literally 1.5 week ago. An amazing Quiet in the earthquake world it would seem? as the only Earthquakes the general public get to hear about is the big ones that cause great destruction..

Red Alert Earthquakes at a normal level are usually around 10 (in last 30 days). The graph shows that a 1.5 weeks ago the number dropped down to 3.. which is incredibly quiet.. 

Think about when was the last time u seen news of big earthquakes.. its been a while, because the activity of large earthquakes has just totally dropped down to a bare minimum of 3.. They have risen slightly in the last week to 6.


Incredibly the reading for the Total amount of earthquakes is the total opposite. (Total earthquakes meaning All earthquake are counted no matter what its strength (magnitude))..

We can see from the Graph above that there has been a massive spike in Total earthquake numbers. The normal level is between 1000 to just above 2000. But this spike is ridiculous that it has spiked up to 5844 at the last reading taken on the weekend. TODAY the reading is increased even still to 6076.

Something is going on.. Earthquake is the Primary Earthly Sign of the Throne of God (Nibiru) coming close to passing over earth.

When the Throne of God hits earth when the Sixth Seal is opened the scripture tells us there will be a massive worldwide earthquake.

Rev 6:12

And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood;

So something has defenetely changed in the last 2 months. With Big Earthquakes at record lows and the Total (small) are spiking out of control to amazing Highs never seen before. I just wanted to share this info with you, so you are the first to know. Keep watch and God Bless you all in Jesus name..

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