Thursday, May 17, 2018

PROPHECY CONFIRMATION No Rain will fall on United Kingdom, in Time of Revival. Like i prayed in 2018 for No Rain

Just before Gods Throne (Nibiru) passes over the FIRST TIME at Seals 6-7, the world will under go a Great revival and a Great falling away.

At this time i would take my prophecy to this nation.
God revealed to me that in that short time that there would be NO rain fall in that Month

No Rain will fall during the time of Revival.

I prayed this very thing in May 2018, but not relating to revival time. A person of this Roman Empire stole a water bowl from a public domain, and i was so upset why would someone do this i prayed "Let their water be taken away from them as they have took away water from my birds"I forgot all about it and i was made homeless in July 2018, and was learning about living out in the wild, and preparing Exodus kit.


Also what happened in the Summer of 2018 is that a UK drought was causing serious problems. loss of crops, lack of food for animals, water reserves disappearing.

God God was listening.

So i prophecy that this will be the case for the UK, during the time of revivals, the time of the Six Seals happening. This will only be a time of 40 days though as in the time the warning was given to Nineveh.

40 days to destruction The Throne of God , Nibiru, hitting Earth at Seal Six, on the Full Moon. From Seal One One (Antichrist being crowned)

Then after that 40 Days the Throne of God will pass over the Earth. 

sixth seal throne of god nibiru hits earth worldwide earthquake sun is darkened moon blood red goes down at noon time in israel 12 oclock government illuminati run underground bunkers cities, 144000 saints sealed foreheads, 12 tribes israel, Asher, benjamin, Gad, Isichar, Judah, Joseph, Levi, Menasseh, Nephatali, Reuben, Simeon, Zebulon, Great multitude raptured earth, dust to dust, seal six seven silence in heaven, thunders, lightings, voices, lock off, seven angels trumpets prepare sound,

Seal Six and Seven - Gods Throne Nibiru passing over Earth for the first time.
Anyway u decide, Co-Incidence? or God heard my prayer in anguish.

Thank you for taking the time to look at this Article.
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God Bless you all,


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