Saturday, February 24, 2018

TRUMPET FIVE BIRTH PAINS:- Earthquake Swarms at Yellowstone's Supervolcano.


"Hundreds of earthquakes have rocked the famous supervolcano in the past few days, but"

NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC says "this seismic activity is regular in the region"

Something is rocking the massive supervolcano beneath Yellowstone National Park.

Thanks to a recent earthquake swarm, the Yellowstone supervolcano has seen upwards of 200 quakes since February 8, along with countless smaller tremors. The largest earthquake was an unremarkable magnitude 2.9, and all of them have hit about five miles beneath the surface. Larger earthquakes have rocked the region in the past, some as destructive as the Hebgen Lake quake and others causing minimal damage.

With this most recent swarm, scientists say there's no reason to worry. "Supervolcano" and "earthquake swarm" might seem like daunting terms on the surface, but in Yellowstone National Park, these geologic features are relatively nonthreatening. ~ Elaina Zachos reports


Trumpet Five describes the bottomless pit opening and the smoke from the pit darkening the sky and the Sun. And out of the smoke came locusts on the Earth to torment the people who do not have the seal of God on their foreheads (144,000 Tribulation saints)

Two point to make 

  1. I did not have any other place for Yellowstone in the whole of the end of the age events spoken of in Revelation. I felt in my spirit that the eruption of Yellowstone would play a part in the end times.
  2. A Yellowstone eruption would produce the exact event that is described in Revelations on the Trumpet Five sounding. The Sun and the Air darkened by reason of the smoke of the pit.
Keep eyes on Yellowstone news. Especially if The surface water evaporates and/or totally dries up. As the heat from below the magma coming to the surface will evaporate the water much quicker. 

These will be also a warning a sign that the Gods Fiery Throne (Nibiru) is close to earth.

God Bless you all for the time is short..


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ALIEN DISCLOSURE - RAPTURE Deception. Before The Throne God, Nibiru, Hits Earth.

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