Monday, February 8, 2016

8/2/16 Earthquake Summary Normal and Decreasing as predicted.

Mercury has finished sending buzzing Earth as it past between Earth and the Sun. This graph which displays the Earthquake reading taken everyday. We can clearly see during the last 2 weeks the Worlds Earthquake have been decreasing strongly.

This Graph shows the monthly Average of strong "Red Alert" Earthquakes. We can see that now in Feb 2016 we have fallen greatly in numbers. The rest of the weeks readings from this month will paint a more precise picture.

This Graph is the Prediction graph (Blue), but i have added the actual Earthquake numbers (Red) to see the correlation. The prediction graph mainly was taken the data from when the planets line up and making a graph of projection into what the Earthquake TREND will look like during the year. Also if we know what will happen in a normal state we can spot data which is abnormal. and create and Alert.

A closer look at the Prediction vs Actual Graph. For the period of the beginning of the year. We can see that yes Mercury did ping Earth in early January. We can also see that now the Earthquake are also decreasing as predicted.

So all is normal, all is as it should be..

God Bless you All 

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