Sunday, December 29, 2024


Another amazing sign in the heavens is the Triple Blood Moons that we are about to enter into.

March and September 2025 and March 2026.

My Timeline has revealed that the Seven Seals and 5 Trumpets will take place after the Fall Feasts 2025 and before Nuclear World War 3, which the Heavens have booked in for June 2026.

TOTAL Solar Eclipse + VENUS in TAURUS... 2023-26

SIX Heavenly SIGNS - of WORLD WAR 1, Happening AGAIN NOW until 2026 = WORLD WAR 3.

notice first that this First Blood  Moon (Shining over Americas) was actually the Feast of Purim which is on the 14th (Full Moon) of the Month Adar.
Queen Esther saves the Jewish people from a Babylonian extermination.

Later on i come to realise that the third part of this Blood Moon Trinity (Shining over Pacific Oceanis also on the Feast of Purim.

So we have a Double "Bloody Purim" and the centerpiece the is the September Blood Moon.

This September Blood Moon will pretty much kick off a 3 month long set of Tribulation Events with the Seven Seals that will lead to the First passing of God's Throne at Tevet 14thJan 3rd 2026.

The beginning of the Tribulation will go like this.

September 7th. (Elul 14thBLOOD MOON (Shining over Russia, India, China)

War window - Venus is Leo.
September 9th  - October 9th.

Feast of Trumpets,Tishrei 1st - 3rd - September 22nd-25th

Jesus 8th Birthday on September 25th.
8 the Number of COMPLETION...
Completion of us Saints and Satan (Baraq o Bamah) from waiting for the tribulation to begin.

Feast of Tabernacles, Tishrei 14th October 7th-14th

The Inheritance event where the manchild Jesus Christ is caught up by the women (Israel) to the throne of God, Nibiru to receive his inheritance in the form of the Seven Seals.

After the Women Israel has said the words
"Baruch Haba B'shem Adonai"

This will happen in the Feast of Tabernacles like Enoch 60 dates it.

Join us.

On the Sabbath day like i have always thought it will and how the Book of Revelation was given on the Sabbath Day to John, when he was keeping the Sabbath day and heard the voice of the angel like a trumpet / Shofar.

That is exactly how the Inheritance will begin.

So the Day in October that fulfils them scriptures is the Sabbath DayFriday 10th Sundown - Saturday 11th Sundown.

By my Timeline this would mean there would be a 6 week gap from October 11th to November 24th for the Seals to begin with William V being crowned king at Seal One.

40 days of the Seals until the Throne of God hits the earth at Tevet 14th Full Moon 2026, Noon Time in Israel, 10am UK Time, 3am US Time.

Chanukah, the time the Jews got the Temple back from the wicked greek / Romans will be 14th - 21st December 2025.

So there you have it.

Thanks for watching. Please prayer for repentance of sin in Jesus mighty name and blood.
Ask God to show you all these things he has shown me, for time is short (53 weeks) until all these things shall be Completed.

Please share this with Friends and Family and Socials.

God Bless you all, 
In Jesus mighty name,

~ Mosiah

Friday, December 27, 2024

christmass + TEN Days = Rapture / Salvation or Extinction First Passing, Tevet 14th Full Moon.

This come in my spirit fittingly on christmass day, and that is that next year there shall be 10 days from christmass day to the day the throne of God hits the Earth at the Sixth Seal..

We know that Tevet 14th is the Full Moon and the only date that happens around the heathens christmass celebration.

The main reason is a hate christmass so much is the blind so called christians say Jesus was born on that date which he was not, impossible to even be a roman calendar date. A calendar that was created by satan through the Roman empire scarlet beast in the year 1582.

 look into the heavens on christmas and what is the Sun clothing?
Sagittarius, which is the symbol of the Antichrist being crowned King in Seal One.

Jesus True Birthday is actually on the Feast of Trumpets as the Sun is clothing the Women in the Heavens the Virgin Virgo..
And the Moon is under her feet.

Three days after the conjunction of the sun and moon in the hebrew calendar month of Tishrei.

The Second and Last Passing of God's Throne. Nibiru will happen on Tevet 14th just before christmass (2032). As the Scripture says after murdering us Two Prophets of God they shall "make merry and send gifts one to another".

Rev 11:10 
And they that dwell upon the earth shall rejoice over them, and make merry, and shall send gifts one to another; because these two prophets tormented them that dwelt on the earth.

For many years i denied that christmas time could be when God comes, because it was not part of the Feasts of God and no feast is around that time.

But after God revealed to me about Tevet 14th in 2022-23, and doing more study into it i realise about this being the centre of all Eclipses, the universe, everything.

God then revealed to me about Queen Esther's Wedding on Tevet Month and how it is a Similarly of the Rapture.

"The Virgin (Born again) Bride goes into the house of the king (Nibiru, God's Throne) to be married to the King (Jesus Christ) and have a crown (Eternal life) put on her head"

Concerning the timing of the first passing of the Throne.

In late 2023 i had a revelation concerning the world wars, by reading the signs on the heavens.
These both point to June 2026 as being the start of World War 3.

There are Six Identical Signs from World War 1 happening now until 2026.

There is a Three Year warning before all World Wars which also point to June 2026 as World War 3.

However, World War 3 in the book of Revelation is Trumpet 6.
200 million man army, 4 country alliance, all armoured with Nukes and Tanks destroy 1/3 of mankind (Left on the earth at that time).
And that last for 13 months.

First though, comes Trumpet 5, which last for 5 months, which interestingly enough is the orbit time of the Throne of God, Nibiru to come past the Earth, up round the Sun and back past the Earth again.

Trumpet 5 being Yellowstone the bottomless pit opening and the locust coming out for 5 months to sting tham who are NOT the 144,000 saints.

This would then bring us back to January 2026.
Tevet 14th Full Moon happens in January or December depending on is its a leap year.

In 2026, Jan 3rd will be Tevet 14th.
and amazingly enough to add to this, look when the Full Moon is at its Max strength / brightness...
10am UK Time... Wow... 

Because when the throne hits the Sun is going to go down at Noon time in Israel.

Now, the whole point of this short presentation is from next year's christmass until Jan 3rd (Tevet 14th) will be 10 days.

and then i remember the age old prophecy line saying:

Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer: behold, the devil shall cast some of you into prison, that ye may be tried; and ye shall have tribulation ten days: be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life (Eternal Life, Rapture)
Rev 2:10

So its very fitting, in fact Seal 5, when the cry up to God for him to come and save them may take place in and around christmass giving them this 10 days of waiting before God hits the Earth in His Throne, Nibiru.

only time will tell and i wont know if I AM wrong or be called wrong until 51 weeks from now.

You will know close to the time as the Seals begin with William V crowned King, at Seal One, then you have little time, 40 days until the Throne hits.

So prayer now for forgiveness of your sins in Jesus precious name and Blood, and be baptised in the Holy spirit, and then all these things that were revealed to me, can be revealed to you too.

Please share this with Friends and Family and Social media.

God Bless you all in Jesus mighty name,

~ Mosiah

Thursday, December 19, 2024

ALIEN DISCLOSURE - RAPTURE Deception. Before The Throne of God, Nibiru, Hits Earth.

I feel this is 90% going to happen before the Throne of God, Nibiru, hits the Earth (54 weeks)
That is that the Government will release information openly, publicly and world wide of Alien existence.

They may even take it a little further, like receiving messages from them, or they are a threat to earth or something extra, but this is not certain.

Them planting this seed in your mind about Aliens just before the Rapture happens at the First Passing of the Throne will cause your mind to come up with its own answer.

First of all us 144,000 Servant of God are sealed on our foreheads because we stay on the Earth to preach during the End of the Age.

When the First Rapture happens at Seal 6-7 there will be a Great Multitude shall be caught up to to God and to his throne. (Rev 7)
A number of people that no man can number, not even me the prophet of God (Rev 11)

All Children, under the age of Bar Mitzvah are not accountable for sin and shall see the face of my Father in heaven on that day. 
This Number alone is 2 billion so from 8 Billion world population that is 25%. 
So at least 2 Billion young people will be raptured and saved from what's coming on the earth in the first passing of the throne.

So make the most of the time now.

How the Rapture will happen is not totally certain but there are some options.

1. Maybe it be like creation in reverse like seen in the movie "Night of the Comet" when this Red Comet passed the Earth (On New Year no less) and some of the people disappeared and all that is left is their clothes and Red Dust.
as the scripture says:

Ecc 12:7
Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it.

2. - The Spirit leave the Human mortal body behind, literally as a lifeless corpse (i think not)

3. Just like my Uncle Elijah's Rapture he was caught up alive into God's fiery Throne, illustrated as a burning fire of Horses and Chariot.
But Elias SEEN Elijah ascend to Heaven with his mortal being. and nothing of his human body was left behind only his cloak.

2 Kings 2:11-13
And it came to pass, as they still went on, and talked, that, behold, there appeared a chariot of fire, and horses of fire, and parted them both asunder; and Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven.

And Elisha saw it, and he cried, My father, my father, the chariot of Israel, and the horsemen thereof. And he saw him no more: and he took hold of his own clothes, and rent them in two pieces.

He took up also the mantle of Elijah that fell from him, and went back, and stood by the bank of Jordan;

Personally i would prefer the last that Human form shall ascend to heaven and the transformation from mortal to Immortal, from Perishable to Imperishable takes place on the way up.

1 Cor 15:52-53 
In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.

For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.

We can Not surely not go into the presence of God without leaving (in spirit) this human body.

2 Cor 5:8
We are confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord. 

Unbelievers are likely to believe the lie that Aliens took the people, in amazing anguish.

but... The Believers WILL KNOW that the Rapture has taken place.
Even them so called believers that preached there is no rapture.

But us Two Witnesses and my 144,000 Saints shall help them through the Tribulation for 7 years.

Even though the Rapture of Elijah has happened and been well documented and understood...

and in the future the Rapture of us Two Witnesses that the whole world will watch happening LIVE Stream,

is well
spoken of to happen right at the very end of the age (Tevet 14th 2032).
CHRIST-MAS Crucifixion for The TWO WITNESSES... "Two Words"... on Tevet 14th Full Moon

The First Passing of the Throne of God, Nibiru is coming in 54 weeks at writing this article so we don't have long before this extinction level event.

So when the inheritance event happens next year fall feasts you will know its coming

And when the antichrist is crowned king (seal one) you have 40 days until the throne hits the earth.

Thank you for watching.

Please share this Article and Video with your Family, Friends and Socials.

God Bless you all, In Jesus mighty Name....


Another amazing sign in the heavens is the Triple Blood Moons that we are about to enter into. March and  September 2025 and March 2026...